Lipsticks are the most integral part of the cosmetic products, which are capable to enhance not only your lips but can also brighten up your smile, add drama to your eyes, and an oomph to your overall look. It only needs a little practice, experience, knowledge of shades, and fine finish. Here are some tips to avoid 10 common lipstick mistakes.

Lipsticks are so called a girl’s second-best mate. They upsurge your confidence and enchant your attitude in a few seconds with just one swipe. Although, it appears effortless and easy to apply lipstick, but in reality, it is tricky.
If the lipstick application is sloppy, not according to your skin tone or your outfit, the same lipstick that is supposed to glamourize you will ruin your over all look. Therefore, it is really important to master the art of lipstick application and avoid the 10 common lipstick mistakes.

Today’s blog is all about the little lipstick bloopers, their effect on your entire look and how to avoid them.
Below are the 10 most common lipstick mistakes made by women all around. These common lipstick mistakes can add a few years to your age but if you avoid them, then a simple lipstick can make your look galvanise, from simple to bold, and stylish.
Before we dive into the details remember, Never Rush! lipstick look perfect and gorgeous when applied with patience and care.

10 Common Lipstick Mistakes
1. Ignoring Scrubbing and Exfoliation Before Using Lipstick

Lips seem ugly with fine lines, dry spots, or dry patches so you must remove them. Exfoliation is the process in which we remove the old dead cells from the surface of the lips. People ignore this step which is a big mistake in lipstick application. You can also use a toothbrush to exfoliate your lips
Ignoring this step is the most common lipstick mistake among 10 common lipstick mistakes repeated by users. There is a step by step lip care cosmetic range available nowadays. The first and most important thing to do before applying lipstick is to peel off dry and dead skin from the lips by using any good scrub. It helps to remove all the dead skin, hydrate the lips, and provide an even base for further application. Lipstick is never going to look perfect if the base is not smooth, no matter how expensive lipstick we use. Scrubbing then exfoliating is the first step for a fantastic lipstick.
2. Applying Primer on Your Lips

Application of lip primer is also very essential for a flawless lipstick. Lip primer provide a base for lipstick due to which lipstick stays fresh for many hours. There are different types of lip primers available in the market. Like pencil lip primer, crayon lip primer. But all perform same function by providing an even base to your lipstick.
3. Applying Lipstick Just After Applying Lip Balm

Applying lipstick immediately after applying lip balm is not considered a good idea, as it converts into a sloppy gloopy compound. This mistake resists the lipstick, and doesn’t transfer its colour properly on your lips. It will also result in your lipstick melting out of your lip lines.
4. Overlying or Not Using Lipliner

Using lipliner is a very important step in lip cosmetics and in any lip makeover routine. Ignoring lip liner or overlying both are the major lipstick mistakes that can ruin your look. Lip line defines the shape of lips by making them prominent but you must be careful and avoid over lip lining. Proper lip line gives your lips a fuller look.

5. Applying Multilayers of Lipstick

Over application of lipstick leads towards shabby lips. Matte liquid lipstick become very hard with serval application. Similarly, creamy lipsticks become cakey after repeated applications which gives a very untidy look. And after some time, it will also make your lips look cracked. This is the most common lipstick mistake evident.
6. Choosing Wrong Shade of Lipstick

Another mistake in 10 common lipstick mistakes is choosing the wrong shade of lipstick. A lipstick that Is not appropriate for your skin tone or lip shape will make you look dull and flushed. You must have knowledge about your skin tone. There is proper guide that helps you recognize your skin tone. Such as fair skin tone, medium skin tone, olive skin tone or dark skin tone. There is a wide collection of shades for all skin tones but you need to be clear about yours.
7. Rubbing Your Lips Together
It is a myth that rubbing your lips together merges and gives an even spread to your lipstick. But it is totally a wrong concept. It actually ruins your application, spreading the lipstick all over your lips and cause blotches. This common mistake is done in a normal routine of many regular users of lipsticks.

8. Neglect Setting of Lipstick
Women most commonly ignore this fact of setting the lipstick after applying it. Setting powder must be used after applying lipstick. Pat your lips with a tissue paper after applying lipstick. It may increase the life of lipstick which helps to sustain your makeup for a longer period of time. So, next time when you are getting ready for a long, long event don’t forget to set your lipstick. This way it will last throughout the event.

9. Ignoring Blotching
One of the most common mistakes regular lipstick users repeat is to forget about blotch test. Ever smiled in the mirror after applying your favourite lip shade just to notice some of it on your teeth. This horrifying experience happens a lot and can be really embarrassing in public. To avoid this, always blotch your lips after applying lipstick. You can use your index finger, or a tissue paper to wipe your teeth that helps to brighten up your smile. As lipstick on your teeth looks so awful, and it is really embarrassing to move around with lipstick on your teeth.

10. Wearing Inappropriate Lipstick Shade for The Event
The beauty of lipstick is that, there is always a wide range of choices. Another common mistake lipstick users do is to ignore the fact that lipstick is always applied according to the demand of the overall makeover and the event. It will look very inappropriate if you use bold red lipstick for the evening walk. Neon green and extremely glittery colors may look good for a photo-shot but not for an aesthetic dinner. So, the choice of lipstick shade must be according to the skin tone and occasion.

It is clear that by avoiding these 10 common lipsticks mistakes and taking good care of your lips, you can rule the hearts with your perfect and attractive lipstick. Blog-Ox.